Monday, May 14, 2012


Standing, Tim at age 6, David Snyder, Mary Barger - 2+
For some unknown reason, throughout my life various circumstances have led me into unusual situations. Perhaps the drummer I was marching to played Stockhausen on the snares, but it began early in life. I was born in Dhahran in 1947 where I lived at 1134. Hamilton House, the palatial, by Dhahran standards, company guest house was on the next block to the north. It was the only place with a lawn covered hill in town. Rolling down the slope was great fun and you’d always come home with grass stained jeans, itching like mad from the bugs in the grass.
To the south was a large median with two bachelorette portables. The bachelorette portables were terrific. If you were a kid, you could go and knock on the door and almost always some lovely single woman would answer, invite you in and spoil you with cookies and maybe a Pepsi. A block further on was the recreation complex: the pool, the bowling alley, the Fiesta room – a snack bar and coffee shop, the tennis courts, the ball field, the movie theater, and unfortunately the school.
I didn’t really have anything against school, my brother and sister went there, but it did seem somewhat constricting as you had to go every day at the same time. So when I turned six it was off to the Gulag. However my family was on a short leave, so I started Kindergarten a week or so late.